Transform your community with a clear action plan.

As a community leader, you know what you want to see in your community in five years. But how do you get there from where you are now? And how do you do it sustainably?

That’s where we come in.

Join the ecosystem accelerator, presented by CO.STARTERS and Economic Impact Catalyst, to build a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Trusted by over 100 economic development entities across the U.S. to power thriving entrepreneurial ecosystems

members of the Catalyst Network

application store downloads

small businesses supported

members using our platform

Success Stories

Erie Technology Incubator at Gannon University

We (the Erie Technology Incubator) are new to Startup Space and began our journey with them in January 2023. I cannot stress enough how awesome the team is with regard to onboarding.

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Kathy Roach
Manager of Entrepreneurial Operations at the Erie Technology Incubator at Gannon University

Invest Atlanta

Startup Space powered by EIC was selected as the platform for Invest Atlanta’s RFP Digital Navigator Web Portal project as part of the American Rescue Plan to connect small businesses to experienced business consultants for one-on-one assistance. 

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Jeff Morris
Technical Assistance Program Manager, Invest Atlanta

St. Louis Development Corporation

We here at St. Louis Development Corporation needed a system that allowed us to form a community to provide different services for the entrepreneurs we work with to engage with us, and we also wanted to track business data and information.

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Stacy Fowler

SVP, Minority and Small Business Development

By taking part in this accelerator, you will:

Create a strategy that works long term.

You’ll learn the best systems and processes for ensuring that your work can sustain itself if you step back.


Access your local resource landscape.

You’ll gain a deep understanding of the needs in your community and how they’re currently being met.



Use impact data to tell a better story.

You’ll be able to tell a compelling, data-driven story to your board, employees, and community about what you’re achieving.



Go beyond the buzzwords.

You’ll learn what successful ecosystem building actually looks like, and how to do it yourself.



Ready to jumpstart your ecosystem?

Schedule a call to learn more


Who is this accelerator for?

The people who will benefit the most from this accelerator are city officials or executive leaders of entrepreneurship hubs or community organizations who care about better serving local entrepreneurs and the health of the business community as a whole.

How much does it cost? 

The participation fee is $1,000 per person; for optimal outcomes, we strongly recommend sending at least two people from your organization.

Is this program in-person or virtual?

There are in-person, virtual, and hybrid options on a cohort-by-cohort basis. If you have a preference, please reach out to us.

When does it start?

The next cohort is slated to take place in February 2024.

What will I get out of this accelerator? 

Each accelerator participant will leave the program with an action-driven ecosystem building plan tailored to their community with time-specific milestones. In addition, participants will leave knowing how to engage funders, fund TA programs, create a sustainable model, and align community stakeholders.

Can I bring my team, or is the program designed for one person per community?

Ecosystem building isn’t a solo sport; we encourage you to bring one or two other people from your community such as a strategic partner, board member, or employee.